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How Does Spinal Decompression Treat Herniated Discs?

Written By Caputo Chiropractic Center on September 15, 2022

man with back pain

To treat herniated discs without invasive surgeries, consider chiropractic. The holistic medical practice centers around the belief that the body has the natural ability to heal itself without the need for pricey surgeries or medications. Studies show that the treatment effectively decreases pain and improves functionality in those suffering from herniated discs. 

If you need a chiropractor in Suwanee, look no further than Caputo Chiropractic Clinic. Dr. Thomas Caputo is a board-certified chiropractor with more than 30 years of experience treating a range of conditions and sports, work, and auto-related injuries. As a former chiropractic patient himself, Dr. Caputo can vouch for its effectiveness. He boasts expertise as well as empathy to provide our clients with a pleasant and successful experience. 

About Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression treats the neuromusculoskeletal system through spinal manipulation. Spinal decompression gently stretches the spine using a harness, releasing the pressure from spinal discs, which are essentially cushions between your bones. It’s often paired with other chiropractic techniques for a comprehensive treatment that lasts for the long term. 

In addition to spinal decompression treatment, we offer dietary and nutritional counseling as well as lifestyle counseling so you can continue to maintain a high sense of wellbeing, both inside and out. 

How Does Spinal Decompression Treat Herniated Discs?

By releasing your spinal discs, spinal decompression allows herniated discs to retract back to their proper place. Relieving the pressure from your nerves helps your body to effectively cycle oxygen and fluids into the discs so they can fully heal. 

The benefits you’ll enjoy following this treatment, which lasts about five to seven weeks, include:

  • Healed bulging discs
  • Decreased pain
  • Reduced inflammation 
  • Greater mobility
  • Better posture

Schedule a Consultation With Caputo Chiropractic 

Caputo Chiropractic Center is the leading clinic in the Lawrenceville area. With cutting-edge technology and genuine human care, we’re dedicated to healing your pain and getting you in top physical and mental shape.

To learn more about our services, call (770) 962-0559 or fill out our online form.

Posted In: Chiropractic Spinal Decompression Herniated Disc Treatment Low Back Pain Treatment